Archive for February, 2010

Juliet Landau and Chris Carnel on RoH

Posted in Leominster Movie Theater, movies, radio of horror, tv, vampires on February 28, 2010 by chrisdsav

Tonight at 1230am from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel and Ed Wood Actrerss Juliet Landau. She will be discussing her current project Take Flight, a documentry on actor Gary Oldman.  Then at 1am Stunt man Chris Carnel, you can check out his most dangerous stunt in The Crazies the new horror movie opening this weekend.

The Crazies

Posted in Uncategorized on February 27, 2010 by chrisdsav

review coming soon

Shutter Island #1 at the box office

Posted in Leominster Movie Theater on February 22, 2010 by chrisdsav

Even tho last week the Wolfman did not make number one the thiller from Scorecece did. Shutter Island came in at number 1 with 40 mil. The wolman was 5th. Avatar made another 16 mil. This film is well on its way to making 700 mil world wide.  Check them all out at the Entertainment Cinema in Leominster MA.

Great Horror Game Downloads

Posted in Comic Books, vampires, Video Games on February 22, 2010 by chrisdsav

Resident Evil 5:Lost in a Nightmare—The first of the RE5 download levels is now up on PS3 and Xbox360. This is the story of how Jill dies before the events of RE5. It clocks in under and hour or so and hackers back to the original game play of the first game.

Castlevania Adventure A New beginning—This is a remake of the classic game for the Nintendo Game Boy. this is also the hardest of all the Castlevania games. One big issue is it had no sub weapons and made it very frustrating on top of how hard the enemies were. It stars Christopher Belmont. He would star in the sequel and in the Belmont Legacy comic Book thru IDW. You can check it out on the Wii Ware.

Frank Veach Rip 1935-2010

Posted in news on February 22, 2010 by chrisdsav

Grandfather to my son Frank Veach died Wed. Sorry for the updates on the blog they will be coming to night, for Comics, TV, Video Games and Shutter Island.

Shutter Island

Posted in Leominster Movie Theater, movies on February 20, 2010 by chrisdsav

When you look at a film like Shutter Island you know your in for an emotional roller costar of suspense and a good popcorn thriller. Shutter Island is based on the novel by Dennis Lehane. Now I have not read the novel and many people told me its one of those nail bitters you can’t put down.  The movie was a little like that. As it was slow-paced at times and other it moved quickly and made you not want to wait for the next scene. Martin Scorsese goes back to what he did in Cape Fear and gives us a great thriller. Maybe not as cut and dry as before, but a thriller no less.

 Leonardo Dicaprio plays Us Marshall Teddy. Him and his partner are on their way to an asylum to look for a missing patient. The asylum is run by a shrink played by Ben Kingsly. They go thru the history of the island and why the patient escaped. They learn the house of un-American activates funds the island, and this begins the paranoid decent into madness the island takes them. If u pay close attention to certain details you can tell whats coming in the end. This both disappointed me and made me enjoy the film even more.

This film should get a decent nod at the Oscars for Scorsese, big problem is it got hurt by being pushed back to Feb from a Oct release date. We will have to see what happens next year in 2011. Check the film out at the Leominster Ma Entertainment Cinema.

Sci-fi/Horror Comics Feb 2010

Posted in Comic Books on February 18, 2010 by chrisdsav

Blackest Night: #7, GreenLantern#51, GreenLantern#47,— We con’t the storyline where the dead rise and the living must band together to defeat them. In GL Hal and the new Corps must stop Paralex(currently Hal Jordon again) and then the The Black Lantern . Over in GLC Kyle, Kilowag and John and the other Gls with the help of the Indigo tribe must Save Guy Gardner from fully becoming a Red Lantern. All these books are great They are among the best of the tie ins to the main story line. You might also want to check out Blackest Night Wonder Woman and Flash as they deal with WW and Flash becoming a Star Saphire and Blue Lantern.

Walking Dead #70– Our intrepid band has finally hit Washington DC and they hope they have found peace at last or have they. Could this quiet little town be  just like the prison, or something worse. I don’t read the monthly WD I usually read the TPB that come out. If you can’t wait for the trades please pick up every month. Its one of the best Horror Comics out there and one of the best ever written. Kirkman does an amazing job every month on a book that needs more recognition.  This is Horror drama at its best.

IronMan—Ironman does fall in to the Sci-Fi category. WIth the new film on the way I thought this be the best time to go over some of his books. I am Ironman is like Ironman 1.5. It acts as an in between for the two films. It also has great art work by Sean Chen. Then there’s Ironman vs Whiplash. This is basically a run ow of their history together. Another book to get u pumped up for the movie. Invisible Ironman is he ongoing title. This currently deals with Tony being restructured in to what he was before Warren Ellis made him like a living Metal Man. Then theres Seige the big Marvel crossover. This book will have Ironman returning at the end of issue 3 to help Cap and Thor kick Osbornes ass.  If you area ig fan of IM I recommend checking out I am IronMan and IIM. IIM won a Esiner award for best series of 09.

Lock and Key—A great horror novel that has a new volume coming out soon from IDW. This is written by Joe Hill  this is one of the creapiest books around vol 2 is coming out very soon in hardcover and vol 1 is currently available.

The Stand—The TPB is finally out in print, I think it came out last month.  Issue 3 of the current vol is out now. This is a fantastic adaptation of King’s work and worth checking out if you love the book and the movie.

The Wolfman

Posted in Leominster Movie Theater, movies on February 13, 2010 by chrisdsav

In 1941 Lon Chaney Jr gave us the greatest werewolf story ever with the Wolfman. It was silver screen horror brought to life the likes of which we had never seen before. Over the years we had other wolf films but none were as spooky and gothic as the original. Over the past 10 years we have had to suffer thru bad remakes of great horror movies that over acted the parts the actors were in or they were more about appeasing a teen audience that could not appreciate the original. At last we have one that holds up to its counterpart. The Vampire genre has been revied and reviled countless times. But it always seemed as the Werewolf always got the Silver bullet. Underworld and Twilight tried but lets face it those were more about Vampires than Werewolves.

 Benicio Del Toro, Anthony Hopkins Emily Blunt and Hugo Weaving star in this gothic horror thrill ride. It sets the films back in the late 19th century. Del Toro plays Larry Talbot but since it’s the 19th century he’s called his proper name Lawrence. His father played by Anthony Hopkins summons him home to help find his missing brother. His brother was wed Emily Blunt’s character.  Lawrence then finds out his brother was killed by a monster. While helping some gypsys his brother was friends with, he is bitten and will become a werewolf. Hugo Weaving, is the inspector on the case but he shows how useless he is right in the begining when it’s mentioned he worked on the Jack the Ripper fiasco a few years ago. Don’t count on him being much help! Interesting is that Hugo plays the good guy in this film, when most of his roles (Transformers, The Matrix) he plays an A-hole villain. The cast is top-notch and it shows with their performance thru the film. The director Joe Johnston (Jurassic Park 3) really put a lot of detail into the film with the Wolf Cane and ring that Talbot has in his possession, are the same from the film years go. The makeup is fantastic since the same team worked on Jon Landis American Werewolf in London.

With that being said the down side of the movie is the cgi. Why in 1980 during American Werewolf were they able to do a realistic transformation but here its cgi? Guy you won and Oscar for that, what happened?? The backgrounds as wonderful as they look are also cgi. This sometimes takes away from what this movie cn be sometimes. My only other hang up is s gothic as it looks it’s not as gothic as the 41 film. That was in B&W and it really helps it a lot. All in all this is a great Horror Movie. I can’t wait for the dvd. If you want to see the original it just got re-released on dvd and blue-ray.

Lucretia’s Dagger

Posted in entertainment, radio of horror on February 10, 2010 by chrisdsav

In studio Sunday Night

Lucretia’s Daggers is pleased to announce that we have been invited for an interview on Dr. Chris’ Radio of Horror, on WCUW 91.3FM, Worcester Community Radio, this Sunday, Feb. 14, Valentine’s Night, midnight to 1AM! Check out the station on the Dr. Chris/WCUW Blog, Facebook, and MySpace. You can listen live at by clicking on the “WCUW LIVE LISTEN NOW!” box on the left. Lucretia X. Machina will be in the studio, no doubt playing’s Dr. Chris’ favorite, “The Horrors of Retail”. With any luck, I will joined by LD’s newest member and exemplary electronic drummer, Faust, with special guest: Jason Skulls, bassist of NH gothic metal band, Mortuus Ortus (Mor-choo-us Or-tus)!

The Wolfman Event in Leominster MA

Posted in Leominster Movie Theater, magazines, movies, radio of horror on February 10, 2010 by chrisdsav

This Fridayat 7:30pm in Leominster Ma at the Entertainment Cinema, Radio of Horror, Horror Idols and the Drive In Horror Show will be on hand to give away prizes. Are new co-host Ashley will also be on hand.  We will have Wolfman posters and the new Horror Hound as prizes. Come by say hi and see a great classic brought back to life. Come early to win a prize.

Avatar #2 this weekend

Posted in Leominster Movie Theater, movies, SciFi on February 9, 2010 by chrisdsav

Avatar is no longer the king of the world as the Nicolas Sparks film Dear John made 32 mil compared to Avatars 23 mil. But dont worry as of next week Avatar will break Titanic’s record.

Horror Games on the Wii you may have missed

Posted in Video Games on February 8, 2010 by chrisdsav

Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles–In 2007 we got the Umbrella Chronicles on the Wii. It was a tour thru RE0,1,3 and some missing chapter stuff like what happened after Code Veronica X, how did Ada survive 2, and What Wesker did leading up to part 4. In DSC we get RE2, CVX, and the mission Leon went on with Krauser ( a character from 4) and how their friendship is disolved.  It’s one of the best first person shooters on the Wii and really shows what you can do with the Wii remote if you take your time developing the game and don’t rush just to make a buck.  The voice actor used for Leon is from part 4 and the Degeneration CGI film.  The graphics look fantastic and the story is top-notch in a Resident Evil kinda way we have learned to love.

House of the Dead: Overkill—This game came out last year right around the time RE5 came out and was completely missed by the hard core gaming fan. If you loved Planet Terror the movie directed by Robert Rodriguez during Grindhouse then you love this game.  The whole game is just like a Grindhouse movie. It looks all grainy and there’s a voice announcer who over emphasizes everything that happens in the game.  The main characters are goofy and swear more often than any other game that I have heard of. The main female character of course looks like a penthouse model and every time she moves her bosom shakes with her. The on rail shooter is top notch and has an ending that you never see coming. People who say there are no good games on the Wii. Really need to check this one out .

Anime Boston 2010

Posted in Anime/Manga, radio of horror, SciFi, Video Games on February 7, 2010 by chrisdsav

We have several guests coming on the show soon. One of the biggest would be the conductor from the Video Game orchastra. Some of there voice actors may also becoming on long ways till April so stayed tuned and we will anounce more info as we get it.

Author Christopher Golden

Posted in Comic Books, radio of horror, vampires on February 7, 2010 by chrisdsav

Tomorow night on Radio of Horror we have Author Christopher Golden. He has written many horror novels. Buffy the Vmpire Fns will remember him as one of the lead writers on the original comic book from Dark Horse a few years ago.


Vampire Killers or in the UK Lesbien Vampire Killers

Posted in movies, vampires on February 7, 2010 by chrisdsav
In the same style  as Shawn of the Dead, VK is a  funny spoof on the over saturated Vampire Genre. This film is a tounge in cheek homage to Hammer films that were also made in the UK. In the film we have two slacker college friends (James Corden &Mathew Horne) that go on a camping trip and happen apon a town that used to be the home of an ancient Vampire Lesbian Queen. Now our two heroes have hooked up with 6 hot collage girls all with loose inhibitions. One of them learns that he is the decendent of an ancient vampire hunter whos wife was turned into a lesbian vampire by the queen. The queen n the movie played by Silvia Colloca also played one of the Drac babes in Vanhellsing. The mvoe is non stop boobies gore blood and drugs and alcohol. The jokes come quick and don’t drag on. They make a point thruout the film when they refer to the vampires they correct themselves and say Lesbian Vampires.  The dvd and Blue ray are very disappointing in the fact they have no bonus material. In this day in age when u pay for a dvd it should have good or decent bonus material.

The House of the Devil

Posted in movies on February 3, 2010 by chrisdsav

In the late 70s early 80s there was much fear of satanic cults. This is used as the central plot for this film. The film doesn’t use satire or irony to convey the story. It plays straight to be as true as possible to the style of the horror films from that time period. The film is about a young college student named Sam who takes a babysitting job just to find out there is no baby and she is suppose to house sit an elderly woman. Little does she know the couple plan to use her in there satanic rituals. This movie makes so many other horror films made today look like crap.  The style and care that went into it is amazing.. The husband played by the great Tom Noonan who has played some of the most vile villains in film. He has this very creepy but gentle way about him., that helps seduce Sam into the role of the baby sitter.  The creepiness of the film is carried out thru Sam being alone in the house for so long. This was definitely more scary than what came in the end. The movie is directed by Ti West who has a list of horror films under him ( imdb him but skip Cabin Fever 2). The dvd and Blue have great commentary and the usual behind the scenes stuff. The best thing to look for is it was released on VHS also has an homage to those old horror films from the days of truly creepy cinema.

Author Joe Schreiber on the show tonight

Posted in Books, radio of horror on February 1, 2010 by chrisdsav

Joe Schreiber wrote the novel Star Wars Death Troopers. This is the first Star Wars horror novel and its really good.  He will be calling in about 12:30 am .  We wil talk Star Wars his carear video game toys anything geeky a fellow Star Wars fan should know. Check out his other great horror novel No door No windows, both from Del Ray books.