Archive for the Theater Category

Ouija: Origin of Evil

Posted in entertainment, events, horror, Horror Movies, Theater on October 11, 2016 by chrisdsav

Do you live in the Boston area here are some free tickets to the new movie Ouija Board 2 Electric Boogaloo, coming out next week

It was never just a game.  Inviting audiences again into the lore of the spirit board, Ouija: Origin of Evil tells a terrifying new tale as the follow-up to 2014’s sleeper hit that opened at number one.  In 1965 Los Angeles, a widowed mother and her two daughters add a new stunt to bolster their séance scam business and unwittingly invite authentic evil into their home.  When the youngest daughter is overtaken by the merciless spirit, this small family confronts unthinkable fears to save her and send her possessor back to the other side.

Dr.Chris Record Spotlight: Carmilla A Vampire Tale

Posted in entertainment, Horror Babes, music, Theater, vampires, vinyl on February 4, 2016 by chrisdsav

Kind of an odd one in my collection  as I’m not a big fan of plays or musicals. I say this regardless of the fact I was just in Mrs. Hawking two weeks ago directed by Phoebe Roberts. Maybe my attitude  has changed toward them over the years as I have gotten older. I have seen Young Frankenstein, The Addams Family and Rock of Ages the musicals and loved them all. I even tried to make a fan play based on one of my favorite  TV shows of all time, Supernatural.


The story of Carmilla is fitting as its February  and Valentines is coming up and I don’t own the soundtracks to My Bloody Valentine or Valentine.

Carmilla is a Gothic novella by Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu and one of the early works of vampire fiction, predating Bram Stoker’s Dracula by 26 years. It is the first lesbian Vampire stpry written. First published as a serial in The Dark Blue (1871–72), the story is narrated by a young woman preyed upon by a female vampire named Carmilla, later revealed to be Mircalla, Countess Karnstein (Carmilla is an anagram of Mircalla). The story is often anthologized and has been adapted many times in different ways. I am a big fan of her apearence in the Castlevania video games.

 A chamber opera version of Carmilla appeared in Carmilla: A Vampire Tale(1970), music by Ben Johnston, script by Wilford Leach. Seated on a sofa, Laura and Carmilla recount the story retrospectively.

Here is a great article by the NY times circa 1986 discussing the play which I have never seen. All my vinyl reviews up till now have been about movies I have seen. This is the first soundtrack in my collection  based on a play.

It’s a different kind of music than what I’m use too Ben Johnston mixes opera with Gothic melody to create a story that is deep into the original narative. The record it self has a pretty piece of art work on the front and a black and white pictures from the stage performance on the back with a bio about the play. Other than that there is not much else.

If you love vampires and want to check out the original female blood sucker then hunt down a copy of this album.


Theater and Erotica

Posted in actors, Adult, Bondage, Books, Convention, Conventions, Theater on January 10, 2016 by chrisdsav

Tonight on the show we have the Director of the play I am in (Mrs. Hawking) Phoebe Roberts. The play will be performed at Arisia16 next weekend. The best way to describe it is a steampunk play where Sherlock Holmes is reimagined as a woman and more like Batman.

Then returning to the show to discuss all sorts of DARK erotic fiction we have Cecilia Tan. I will be playing the music from various sci-fi shows and movies in honor of next weekend being Arisia.



Super Mega Fest

Posted in Conventions, Interviews, Theater, vampires on November 15, 2015 by chrisdsav

Tonight on the show from Super Mega Fest we have one of the show runners, John he will be with us to talk about all the cool happenings at Super Mega Fest, which is Next weekend In Framingham MA at the Sheraton Hotel.

Then thru out the night we will be playing the sound track from the play Carmilla A vampire Tale

Happy New Year with over 40,00 visitors and counting

Posted in aliens, Anime/Manga, Board Games, Bondage, Books, Canada, Cartoons, Christian, Christmas, Comedy, Comic Books, Convention, Cosplay, DC Comics, Demons, Dracula, DVD, Egypt, entertainment, Fantasy, Found Footage, Geekbabes, ghosts, Godzilla, Goth, horror, Horror Babes, Horror Movies, Horror Survival News, horror/sci-fi cartoon, Japan, Kaiju, Kosovo, Leominster Movie Theater, locations, magazines, Make Up Artist, Model, Monsters, movies, Mummy, music, Mutants, news, Places, radio of horror, Radio Station, Satan, SciFi, Theater, Toys, tv, vampires, Video Games, Vwars, websites, werewolf, werewolves, witches, X-Files, Zombies on January 2, 2015 by chrisdsav

We at Radio of Horror would like to thank every one we has joined our blog we now have 306 subscribers and over 40,000 visitors we hit the goal I wanted to hit as of New Years Day. Thanks to every one who has supported this show since it started in October 2007. The blog was starter in July 2009. Keep telling every one about Radio of Horror on 91.3 FM Wcuw in Worcester MA.

Help Radio of Horror

Posted in aliens, Anime/Manga, Board Games, Bondage, Books, Canada, Cartoons, Christian, Christmas, Comedy, Comic Books, Convention, DC Comics, Demons, Dracula, DVD, Egypt, entertainment, Found Footage, ghosts, Godzilla, Goth, horror, Horror Babes, Horror Movies, Horror Survival News, horror/sci-fi cartoon, Japan, Kaiju, Kosovo, Leominster Movie Theater, locations, magazines, Make Up Artist, Monsters, movies, Mummy, music, Mutants, news, Places, radio of horror, Radio Station, Satan, SciFi, Theater, Toys, tv, vampires, Video Games, Vwars, websites, werewolf, werewolves, witches, X-Files, Zombies on December 27, 2014 by chrisdsav

We need a huge push to reach a mile stone goal on this site.
We need a few more subscribers and some more visitors
Pick an article and re-blog it send it to friends
I would like to hit my mile stone by New Years Eve
We been on their air since 2007 and the blog has been up since 2009.
Help Radio of Horror end the year with a bang.


Santa Claus vs Satan

Posted in Comedy, entertainment, movies, Satan, Theater, websites on December 4, 2014 by chrisdsav

You can check out a classic piece of shit movie tonight if its being played near you. Thru a remote satellite the Rifftrax crew aka the guys behind MYSTERY SCIENCE THEATER 3000 will be showing the 1959 Mexican movie Santa Claus.
This is the one where Santa teams up with Merlin the Magician to fight Pitch then Devil who works for SATAN LUCIFER EL DIABLO.

Buy tickets online now. They did this on an episode of MST3K in Comedy Central years in the 90s. Its also been released on dvd.


Horror Conventions and more

Posted in Convention, entertainment, Goth, Horror Babes, Horror Movies, Monsters, movies, music, Mutants, news, Places, radio of horror, Radio Station, Satan, SciFi, Theater, tv, vampires, websites, werewolves, witches, Zombies on October 12, 2014 by chrisdsav

Tonight on the show BUZ DANGER Walawick talks to us about Scream Factory and I talk to Kevin Barbaree about ROCK AND SHOCK which is next weekend
We also play the music from Monster House and talk about the renewal of Under the Dome, WHAT THE FUCK ???
We also talk about Sleepy Hollow and ABC of Death 2 and Dracula Untold. Also the return of the Walking Dead and Supernatural and the end of The Strain S1.


The Dead,The Trolls, and The Wolves

Posted in entertainment, Goth, Horror Movies, Monsters, movies, news, Theater, werewolf, witches on September 28, 2014 by chrisdsav

Tonight on the show we have the Ford Brothers from the DEAD 2 INDIA and the star of their movie as well. We also have the director of Autumn Blood on the show with us. Well talk about the new movies Box Trolls, and Halloween Grave, and Werewolf Rising. Well play the music from Halloween 2 in honor of the new Box set that came out this past Tuesday

Deliver us from Evil

Posted in entertainment, ghosts, Leominster Movie Theater, movies, Satan, Theater on July 4, 2014 by chrisdsav

A new horror movie staring Eric Bana (Troy, The Time Travler’s Wife) about a cop Sgt  Ralph Sarchie real account of a possession in New York City years ago. He is not a man of faith and does not believe in the cross any more. After a weird break in at the NY Zoo, he begins to question reality and his sanity when he starts witnessing some strange events in his life. Its all connected to three painters all former soldiers dishonorable discharged.
The memoirs of the former police officer tilted BEWARE THE NIGHT are the inspiration for this Jerry Bruckheimer produced film. Its more based on the cop him self who is a self proclaimed demonoligist.  He has worked on 25 cases involving demons. If you believe in that sort of thing. Olivia Munn former gaming goddess of Attack of the Show cont that movie career she tries so hard to have.

I my self am a skeptic of the occult infill I see it for my self.
It has some cool atmosphere and the character that Bana plays is more interesting than the movie it self sometimes. These EXORCIST movies are not offering anything we have not seen before and that’s very boring.

The movie is out now and play at Leominster Entertainment Cinema and Black Stone Valley in Millbury MA.

Review – Transformers: Age of Extinction

Posted in aliens, entertainment, horror/sci-fi cartoon, Leominster Movie Theater, movies, Theater, Toys, Zombies on June 26, 2014 by chrisdsav

I had to reblog THIS one from my friend Dan Kimmel, you can hear my co-host and I review this weekend on the show and on you tube.
Movie is playing at Blackstone Cinema Delux and Leominster Entertainment Cinema.

With Mark Wahlberg, Stanley Tucci, Kelsey Grammer, Nicola Peltz, Jack Reynor. Written by Ehren Kruger. Directed by Michael Bay. Rated PG-13 for intense sequences of sci-fi violence and action, language and brief innuendo. 165 minutes.

“2001: A Space Odyssey” was 160 minutes. “The Godfather” was 170 minutes. There is no reason on Earth (or beyond) that TRANSFORMERS: AGE OF EXTINCTION needs to be 165 minutes. It is a bloated, incoherent mess that may divert children (and grown-ups who enjoyed playing with the toys) who have turned the last three films into international hits. It’s a prime example of why box office is not a good measure of quality.

Written by Ehren Kruger, the once promising screenwriter who now makes a lot of money for “Scene: Good robots fight bad robots,” sets us up with Cade Yeager (Mark Wahlberg), a Texas inventor who is about to lose his home. It’s five…

View original post 532 more words


Posted in entertainment, Leominster Movie Theater, Monsters, movies, Theater on May 17, 2014 by chrisdsav

I have nothing to say but AWESOME.
Go see the new film at Leominster Entertainment Cinema, Blackstone Valley Cinema or AMC Framingham 13.
“King of the Monsters….Savior of mankind?



Posted in entertainment, Leominster Movie Theater, movies, music, Radio Station, Theater on April 18, 2014 by chrisdsav

Tonight and this weekend we have a lot going on first there is the New England Metal and Hardcore Festival that started on Thursday and goes till Sat.Its at the Pladium in Worcester MA. 

 In Leominster at Midnight we are showing CLUE THE MOVIE. This stars Tim Curry and Christopher Lloyd. We will also be playing the Clue board game at 11pm before we show the film. 

On Sat we have NATIONAL RECORD STORE DAY. Big reason you need to go to your local record store is there is a limited edition green glow in the dark Ghost buster record to buy. How awesome is that. 

Ghostbusters Record Store Day

OCULUS Giveaway Tonight

Posted in ghosts, Goth, Horror Babes, Leominster Movie Theater, movies, Theater, websites on April 11, 2014 by chrisdsav

Tonight in Leominster Ma, we will give away a bunch of Oculus stuff, Posters and hand sanitizer. I don’t know why they are giving away Hand Sanitizer. When Zombie Land came out in 2009 that movie had a little joke in the film about it. This film is from the same people that Paranormal Activity and Insidious. The movie stars Karen Gillan from Doctor Who and Guardians of the Galaxy and Katee Sackhoff of Battlestar Galactica. In another week we will have some great giveaways for The Quite ones

Mini Reviews Afflicted and Stage Fright

Posted in Horror Babes, movies, music, Theater, websites on April 10, 2014 by chrisdsav



Afflicted  couple friends go to Europe n a trip and Derek who was diagnosed with AMV has a one night stand with a woman he meest at a club in PAris and starts changing into some kind of Monster Vampire since he craves human blood and cant be in sunlight. HE also tries to blow his brains out after he kills his best friend who was suppose to be taking care of him and did a bang up job of that ….well at least e got him laid forma  hot Vampire chick The main characters Derek and Cliff are played by the actors of the same name and who are also the directors of the movie and written by them as well. If you have seen the movie Chronicle its like a horror movie version of that as they do what any dumb kid fresh out of high school would do with super powers. Derek on the run for the French police trying to figure shit out. as well as find the girl who bit him. The movie is ok I am not a fan of found footage and I am. I like how this is done its clever and with great care put into special effects they were huge at the Toronto Film Fest and it just hit VOD  4/4….the film might have been over shadowed by a certain Captain. I suggest checking it out if its playing at a local theater near you. Its a Horror Hero story we kind of need I am a comic fan but I want a Horror super hero movie and this is something I would suggest fans check out.  A different Vampire movie fresh and inovative with new ideas.

Stage Fright 

A musical Horror movie kind of like Repo The Genetic Opera, but with a light more light hearted humor a ton more gore. Its like a slasher musical comedy. Not since South Park the movie has a film been this unapologetic. This is a film who soundtrack is something you really must pick up its original and witty and cleaver and with a great amount of blood shed so you dont have to be a major musical lover to enjoy the film. A brother and sister lose their mother (Mini Driver) to a killer when they are very young grow to work at a camp and the sister camilla tries out for the play The Haunting of the Opera the play that so happens to be the last play perforemed by her mother when she was stabbed to death. She gets in to the play with an amazing singing voice and has to deal with the normal drama queen bitches. I have not seen a horror movie like this in a long time, I mean we have Young Frankenstein the musical and Sweeny Todd, ones a play the other a movie, but this is an original Horror Musical you should check out from Magnet films. 


Posted in Anime/Manga, Bondage, Books, Comedy, Comic Books, Convention, DC Comics, entertainment, ghosts, Goth, Horror Babes, horror/sci-fi cartoon, Leominster Movie Theater, magazines, Monsters, movies, music, news, Places, radio of horror, Radio Station, SciFi, Theater, Toys, tv, vampires, Video Games, websites, witches, Zombies on March 29, 2014 by chrisdsav

200 followers and 33,000 visitors to this site. Thanks to everyone who has helped and checked out Radio of Horror on 91.3 FM WCUW.

Radio of Horror Channel

Posted in aliens, Anime/Manga, Bondage, Books, Comedy, Comic Books, Convention, DC Comics, entertainment, Found Footage, ghosts, Goth, Horror Babes, horror/sci-fi cartoon, Leominster Movie Theater, magazines, Monsters, movies, music, news, Places, radio of horror, Radio Station, Satan, SciFi, Theater, Toys, tv, vampires, Video Games, websites, witches, Zombies on March 17, 2014 by chrisdsav

We took our interviews and created a channel on you tube to listen to old interviews for an archive we will have 100 posted by June when we go to Terror con stay tuned, for now check us out there, thanks to Pam for setting it up.

Directors Lloyd Kaufman and Bert I Gordon

Posted in entertainment, Monsters, movies, SciFi, Theater on March 16, 2014 by chrisdsav

Tonight on the show we do the classic director thing, Mr.Big and Lloyd are both from the shlock and weird sci fi Horror catagories of film directors. Llyod just did Return to Nuke em High vol 1. Lloyd will also be in Guardians of the Galaxy another actor tho who cant talk about it untill it arrives in theaters. Bert has a new movie coming out something this year.
We also discuss Bates Motel S2, Hannibal S2, and the premier of From Dusk Till Dawn the series.
lk big


Posted in aliens, entertainment, Horror Babes, horror/sci-fi cartoon, Leominster Movie Theater, Monsters, movies, SciFi, Theater, websites on February 14, 2014 by chrisdsav

Tonight at Leominster Ma we are showing the Princess Bride at midnight, Happy Valentines Day to all. 



Sunday night Pam and not be on the air as we will be at the 39th Annual Sc-fi Thon, Davis Square Cinema in Somerville MA. They always start the thon with Duck Dogers in the 21st and half century.


Here is a list of the movies coming up for The Thon.



5:05p Contest #1
8:40p Q&A with screenwriter Philip Gelatt
10:35p Aluminum Hat Contest
12:30a Dancing with the Quarks Contest

Garen Daly, SCi-fi and Vampires

Posted in aliens, movies, Theater, vampires, websites on February 10, 2014 by chrisdsav

Tonight on the show Garen Daly host of the Boston Sci-Fi Fest which is happening right now thru next Monday. Next Sunday at Noon Pam and I will be at the THON a 24 hr movie marathon. We will also be playing the music from Castlevania, and our review of Justice League: WAR and Vampire Academy. We will also replay our interview with Sam Jones aka FLASH GORDON as his movie is part of The THON
