Archive for April, 2014

ANGELA sister of THOR

Posted in Comic Books, entertainment, Horror Babes, news on April 28, 2014 by chrisdsav

Many years ago back in Spawn #9 Angela was a pretty hot shit character an angel with a golden bikini armor and huge DD breasts. She was a bounty hunter from Heaven sent to kill hell spawns. Neil Gaiman created her and fought for her. Untill the law suit with Coraline and Sandman creator Neil Gaiman forced Todd McFarlane to kill her off in Spawn#100. She even disappeared from the animated series which had to replace her with a character called Jade in some weird scenes which would have made more sence with Angela in them. Fast forward to the year 2013 and Angela pops up in the final chapter of Age of Ultron and Guardians of the Galaxy and now in THOR. That’s right ANGELA Spawn’s bad T&A joke is going to be revealed as the sister of Thor and Loki (technically half to Loki). That’s right Thor has a long lost sister. In the upcoming story line Original Sin (a Marvel Summer crossover event involving the Death of Uatu the Watcher). They never did anything with Angela in the Spawn comics I mean honestly she had a mini series which sold really well and they showed all Warrior angels are Victorian secret models, not Colombo looking mother fuckers like Cass in Supernatural.

Keep a look out for her upcoming Asgardian origins coming up, this would make for an interesting story for Thor 3.



Director of The Machine

Posted in Comic Books, entertainment, Horror Babes, movies, SciFi on April 27, 2014 by chrisdsav

Tonight on the show we have The Director of The Machine on the show with us. As well as the publisher of Wendigo Comics
Later on I will play a variety of music and talk about The Quiet Ones and the new issue of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.


Posted in ghosts, Goth, Horror Babes, Leominster Movie Theater, movies on April 25, 2014 by chrisdsav

My review of Oculus, it was kind of mehhh but you hear more by reading my review leave a comment

Godzilla Retrospective Part 2

Posted in aliens, entertainment, Horror Babes, Monsters, movies, SciFi on April 22, 2014 by chrisdsav

Part 2 of my coverage of the best Godzilla movies leading up to the May release of the new film.

Eric Roberts

Posted in entertainment, movies, news on April 21, 2014 by chrisdsav

I had a chance to interview actor Eric Roberts who has apeared in a number of movies like the Expendables and The Dark night, his newest movie is Camp Dread from Image Entertainment. 



Do you enjoy independent movie or big blockbuster films?

Of course I enjoy both.
As long as I have somewhere to settle and put my stuff on set,
and as long as it’s not too freezing cold or blazing hot, I’m fine and happy, so all scale productions are fun and always an adventure.
Plus my stepdaughter, Morgan Simons, of often caters the more indie films, and that is delicious.
And it’s exciting when the movies or TV shows put music by Keaton Simons into their soundtrack, so there is a lot to look forward to on every production.
Who was the best director you have worked with??
I’ve loved many directors, and I very much want to reunite with my CAMP DREAD director!!!
Do you like Horror movies??
I like ’em. Emma likes ’em. 

Eliza can’t handle horror movies.

 What did you enjoy about Camp Dread?

I loved the people. And I felt we were making a winner!

Are you working on another movie with Chad Verdi here in New England??


Yes. Chad always engages my imagination.

Fav horror movie of all time? 
Hmmm. Can’t even answer that. So sorry! Obviously a relevant question.
Fav movie of all time… period?
HEARTBURN by Mike Nichols

Happy Easter

Posted in entertainment, movies, music on April 21, 2014 by chrisdsav

Yah the day the Zombie Jesus rises from the grave and hes the only kind of Zombie where you can eat him. I digress, tonight we have the producer of Easter Sunday on the show with us maybe. We also talk about the From Dusk till Dawn the Game of Thrones beer and Ghostbusters glow in the Dark Album and new Bates Motel.

I Spit on Your Grave part 3

Posted in Horror Babes, movies, news on April 19, 2014 by chrisdsav

Really this is the 5th part to come out since the original in the 70s staring Camilla Keaton. I have seen every one of them and have to say I dont enjoy them. HOWEVER this might be the one I like. Its about a serial killer of rapists. She uses a crisis hotline to find rapists and hunts them and kills them. This I could get behind. I do hope this heroine does not have a rape filled back story at least.
This is due out later this year. Keaton came on the show in 2011.


Posted in entertainment, Leominster Movie Theater, movies, music, Radio Station, Theater on April 18, 2014 by chrisdsav

Tonight and this weekend we have a lot going on first there is the New England Metal and Hardcore Festival that started on Thursday and goes till Sat.Its at the Pladium in Worcester MA. 

 In Leominster at Midnight we are showing CLUE THE MOVIE. This stars Tim Curry and Christopher Lloyd. We will also be playing the Clue board game at 11pm before we show the film. 

On Sat we have NATIONAL RECORD STORE DAY. Big reason you need to go to your local record store is there is a limited edition green glow in the dark Ghost buster record to buy. How awesome is that. 

Ghostbusters Record Store Day

Goodbye FEARnet

Posted in entertainment, movies, news, tv on April 14, 2014 by chrisdsav

It’s the end of the road for thriller, suspense and network. Comcast has bought out its partners in the joint venture — Sony Pictures Entertainment and Lionsgate Entertainment — to take 100% ownership. Following the transaction, which closed this morning, FEARnet will no longer be a stand-alone brand but will be folded into Comcast’s NBCUniversal Cable Entertainment division. “NBCUniversal Cable Entertainment has acquired all remaining interests in FEARnet from its productive venture with Lionsgate and Sony,” the company said in a statement to Deadline through a spokesman. “FEARnet, along with its popular content, will be integrated into NBCU Cable Entertainment. This process will take place over a yet to be determined period.

This is really sad as scyfy is a horrible former shadow of its once great self, Chiller is still strong but its sad to see FEARnet. This all so means we wont get any more Holliston. Unless Adam Green finds a new network for it. 


Naked Bloody Actress Mel Heflin and New England Metal Fest

Posted in entertainment, Horror Babes, movies, music, vampires, websites on April 14, 2014 by chrisdsav

Tonight on the show we have actress Mel Heflin who is an up and coming actress who will be in a cool new Vampire movie later this year. She talk about her Career as well as a commentary we both just did for Trick r TreAt.
Then we have on Gina the founder of the New England Metal Fest and co founder of Rock and Shock. The New England Metal Fest is Next Weekend at the Palladium in Worcester MA. Pam and I also discuss The Machine and From Dusk till Dawn the series, Being Human says good bye, Oculus and Till Death do us Part.


Posted in entertainment, Monsters, movies, SciFi on April 12, 2014 by chrisdsav

Check out the first part of my Godzilla Retrospective. This is the first Godzilla movie to come out in theaters while Radio of Horror is on the air so expect A LOT OF COVERAGE thru out the year. First up Destroy all Monsters (my son’s favorite Godzilla movie) and Godzilla Final War. 

OCULUS Giveaway Tonight

Posted in ghosts, Goth, Horror Babes, Leominster Movie Theater, movies, Theater, websites on April 11, 2014 by chrisdsav

Tonight in Leominster Ma, we will give away a bunch of Oculus stuff, Posters and hand sanitizer. I don’t know why they are giving away Hand Sanitizer. When Zombie Land came out in 2009 that movie had a little joke in the film about it. This film is from the same people that Paranormal Activity and Insidious. The movie stars Karen Gillan from Doctor Who and Guardians of the Galaxy and Katee Sackhoff of Battlestar Galactica. In another week we will have some great giveaways for The Quite ones

Mini Reviews Afflicted and Stage Fright

Posted in Horror Babes, movies, music, Theater, websites on April 10, 2014 by chrisdsav



Afflicted  couple friends go to Europe n a trip and Derek who was diagnosed with AMV has a one night stand with a woman he meest at a club in PAris and starts changing into some kind of Monster Vampire since he craves human blood and cant be in sunlight. HE also tries to blow his brains out after he kills his best friend who was suppose to be taking care of him and did a bang up job of that ….well at least e got him laid forma  hot Vampire chick The main characters Derek and Cliff are played by the actors of the same name and who are also the directors of the movie and written by them as well. If you have seen the movie Chronicle its like a horror movie version of that as they do what any dumb kid fresh out of high school would do with super powers. Derek on the run for the French police trying to figure shit out. as well as find the girl who bit him. The movie is ok I am not a fan of found footage and I am. I like how this is done its clever and with great care put into special effects they were huge at the Toronto Film Fest and it just hit VOD  4/4….the film might have been over shadowed by a certain Captain. I suggest checking it out if its playing at a local theater near you. Its a Horror Hero story we kind of need I am a comic fan but I want a Horror super hero movie and this is something I would suggest fans check out.  A different Vampire movie fresh and inovative with new ideas.

Stage Fright 

A musical Horror movie kind of like Repo The Genetic Opera, but with a light more light hearted humor a ton more gore. Its like a slasher musical comedy. Not since South Park the movie has a film been this unapologetic. This is a film who soundtrack is something you really must pick up its original and witty and cleaver and with a great amount of blood shed so you dont have to be a major musical lover to enjoy the film. A brother and sister lose their mother (Mini Driver) to a killer when they are very young grow to work at a camp and the sister camilla tries out for the play The Haunting of the Opera the play that so happens to be the last play perforemed by her mother when she was stabbed to death. She gets in to the play with an amazing singing voice and has to deal with the normal drama queen bitches. I have not seen a horror movie like this in a long time, I mean we have Young Frankenstein the musical and Sweeny Todd, ones a play the other a movie, but this is an original Horror Musical you should check out from Magnet films. 

Stage Fright

Posted in Horror Babes, movies, websites on April 7, 2014 by chrisdsav

New film Stage Fright check out the first ten mins of the movie on HULU now

Thanks to Magnet films for releasing this 

Director Adam Green

Posted in Comedy, Comic Books, entertainment, Horror Babes, tv, websites on April 7, 2014 by chrisdsav

On the show tonight Director Adam Green, we talk about the Death of Gwar front man Dave Brockie , Holliston S2 and other fututure projects. S2 comes on blu ray this coming Tuesday. Pam and I also talk about Game of Thrones, Being Human, From Dusk TIll Dawn and we play the second half of the soundtrack to Tales from the Darkside the Movie. We also talk about a new Sci-fi movie called The Machine. Go to our you tube channel to hear our review of the new Captain America Movie.


The Evil Within Gameplay Trailer

Posted in entertainment, Monsters, news, Video Games, websites on April 5, 2014 by chrisdsav

A few months ago you may have saw my preview of The Evil Within now we have a release date for it August 26th 2014 on all major consoles current and last gen, except the Wii U for some reason no one makes anything for the WiiU

Shinji Mikami, the father of survival horror, is back to direct The Evil Within™ – a game embodying the meaning of pure survival horror. Highly-crafted environments, horrifying anxiety, and an intricate story weave together to create an immersive world that will bring players to the height of tension. The Evil Within is in development for the Xbox One, Xbox 360, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, and PC and is slated for release in 2014.

This guy made the Resident Evil series scary. HE should know what hes doing when it comes to survival Horror games and such.

HELLBOY 20 years

Posted in Comic Books, entertainment, horror/sci-fi cartoon, Monsters, movies on April 3, 2014 by chrisdsav

I didn’t know who or what this character was untill an issue of Savage Dragon where him and Dragon fight a giant mummy and a bunch of Vampires. In 2004 directed by Guillermo del Toro staring Ron Perlman the movie came out. I was hooked, I still have not read every single Hellboy comics but I do like the ones I have read. There were two animated movies put out as well and those are really good. Hell boy has a spin off book and I have not read it but I heard its most excellent. BPRD. Hellboy currently is the king of Hell and a lot of people think its leading up to a big THE END of Hellboy story line as the world he lives in is a disaster. The comic is published by Dark Horse who also publishes Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel/Faith. If you go to your local comic book store you can pick up a Hellboy 20th Anniversary sampler. Hellboy was created by Mike Mignola back in 1994. 



Posted in Horror Babes, Monsters, movies, SciFi with tags , on April 1, 2014 by chrisdsav

Cant wait till GODZILLA in May, how about a giant sea monster movie staring Brian Krause (Leo from Charmed) and the smoking hott Anne McDaniels. Five mins into the thing I was the worst CGI for a MOVIE ever , for a video game it was top notch. Not every film can be a winner. The poster looked cool. What I don’t understand tho is the Dinosaurs in Jurassic Park 21 years ago still hold up today. The performances were ok, the CGI was just bad bad bad. I like Brian tho and hope to have him on the show soon, I was a big fan of his character from Charmed. Cinematography was really good, and that’s where a lot of these sci fi monster movies shine. Just put more effort into the CGI. OR how about NO CGI your making a fucking MONSTER MOVIE go crazy cut a actor or two and spend the money on a rubber monster something real and silly, I would rather have that than BAD CGI.  

A small, secluded island off the coast of Belize suddenly finds itself terrorized by a deadly predator from the planet’s distant past, when deep-sea divers accidentally awaken an ancient evil. Jackson Slate and his team of underwater cave explorers unearth much more than long-lost Mayan treasure while plumbing the depths of a world famous blue hole. They disturb a creature that’s been hibernating for over 60,000 years – a rampaging behemoth of death and destruction not only at sea but also on land.


Game of Thrones Beer

Posted in Books, entertainment, news, tv, websites on April 1, 2014 by chrisdsav

We will be sampling this fine beverage meant for a king. Made by a brewing company in Coperstone NY. Game of Thrones beer is an ale with a taste of the blood of Dragons. A deep dark red hue. It has Ancho Chilies flavored inside it.

