Archive for the Reviews Category


Posted in ghosts, Horror Host, Horror Movies, Reviews with tags , on November 18, 2021 by chrisdsav

Cati the Blonde in Front of Fear Returns to review GHOSTBUSTERS Afterlife and below check out a link to an old article on this site for Ghostbusters the Tobin Spirit Guide book.

Hurricane Henri?

Posted in movies, Reviews with tags , on August 22, 2021 by chrisdsav

No show tonight the Hurricane has been downgraded to a Tropical Storm, enjoy this review from Cati the Blonde in Front of Fear for now.


2019 Going forward

Posted in news, Reviews with tags , , on January 18, 2019 by chrisdsav

In 2019 we will be amping up the reviews. One of the reviews we use to do a lot of and promised last year Radio of Horror would return too is Vinyl record reviews.

I think only one review got done in the month of May. We will have a new vinyl review coming up very soon.

Also if you been on the youtube channel The Blonde in Front film critic joined the show to do Film Reviews.

The podcasts are still going strong and will be out ona weekly bi weekly snd monthly schedule as always. Thanks to Mel Zeneca and Scott for doing what they have with them.

Summer Movie Preview

Posted in horror, Horror Babes, Horror Movies, movies, Reviews, sci-fi with tags , , , , on May 13, 2018 by chrisdsav

Tonight on the show the Blonde in the Front Row joins me again to this time talk about the Summer Movies of 2018. Then we have the writer of The Nightmare Patrol Jeffrey Haas on the show with us. Music tonight will be from Phantom of the Opera on vinyl from the classic silent film.



Posted in horror, Reviews, tv with tags , , , on May 11, 2017 by chrisdsav

A surprise hit in 2013 when it first debuted on Fox and then by 2017 so far removed  from its original source material to the point that they were not even in the town of Sleepy Hollow anymore. It started with Ichabod Crane in 1774 frozen in time Awakens in 2013 in modern day Sleepy Hollow, his enemy the famous Headless Horse Man. He teams up with Lt Abbie Mills an African American cop and the two are destiny  is to stop the apocalypse. This is not a buddy cop movie where the two have to fall in love the opposite they must work together  for the greater good. It started with such promised and great supernatural   thrills but spiraled out of control into convulsed plot lines and bad character development  choices. Cranes wife was resurrected  only to have her turn bad, Crane found out his abandoned son now 300 years old is the horse man War. There is a demon named Moloch messing with events and the reason behind all the weirdness in the show.

Tom Mison was always excellent in the show as a man out of time Orlando Jones who played Abbie captain called Crane Captain America for that reason. Nicole Behar in plays Abbie and her and Tom had such amazing chemistry together I had not seen two actors work so well together since Mulder and Scully, ( I’m talking about two people the of the opposite sex). The and ways amazing Clancy Brown was in the series premiere but was killed off by beheading. Lyndie  Greenwood played Abbie sister and was a cool hard edged character the opposite  of Abbie who was the do the right thing cop. Katia Winter as Katrina Crane was ok and a good voice of the Supernatural trapped in limbo till she wasn’t and she went from Good witch to annoying bad witch. Just eye candy in In a corset, and that’s a shame considering the show had such great female characters. John Noble was Crane son Henry and I hoped they build a character redeeming arc for him but they kill him off and it drives Kat crazy Scarlet Witch style. The super talented and Sexy Nikki Reed played Betsy Ross as an old flame of Crane and a spy in the War in flash backs.

In season three they fight an Egyptian  god,……cuz you know New York and Egypt are so connected …and I have no idea what season 4 was about I lost it after half way thru season 3 but I know they killed Abbie. That was when fans lost the main female character on half of the shows two character act GONE. The only highlight of season 4 was my buddy Ace Marrero was in it, other wise I could not stay tuned in.

One thing this show did very well was history lessons with new twists with George Washington Benjamin Franklin and more giving them new twists on their connection to the main plot of the show.

This show had such  promise but when you have the writers of the Transformers and new Star Trek movies as its creators then you have a problem from the beginning. This show could have been Fox Answer to the long running Supernatural   TV show now ending it’s 12 th season in two weeks. The headless Horseman could be their recurring Villian in all his bad ass ness but he needed being a ro,antic interest for Cranes wife.

Stop trying to stick romance into every fucking show on tv, people do not fucking care about romance in television  as much as the producers think they do. Especially when the show is about a Headless Horseman.

It’s a shame they went the direction they did and made the show impossible   to follow after season 2 as even that had its problems.

Below are pictures from the Target Exclusive bluray set of season 1.

You Tubers and Horror Hosts

Posted in actors, entertainment, film, horror, Horror Babes, Horror Host, Horror Movies, Places, radio of horror, Reviews with tags , , , , on May 7, 2017 by chrisdsav

Tonight on the show we have the amazing and talented Amber Sym on with us. She is former play boy model and an actress who has appeared in many different medias but most notably a Horror you tube series America in Shadows.

Then from You Tube Film Reviewer Oliver Harper is on with us all the way from the UK

The Phantasm Collection

Posted in 80s, DVD, entertainment, horror, Horror Movies, Monsters, movies, Reviews with tags , , on April 11, 2017 by chrisdsav

Check out my look at the new Phantasm box set that came out today


Feb March Horror Movies

Posted in ghosts, horror, Monsters, movies, Reviews, sci-fi with tags , , , , on March 17, 2017 by chrisdsav


Directed by F. Javier Gutiérrez WOw its been a long time since we saw one of these movies and now here it is, its better than part two I will say that lol, I know that’s not saying much but it is,. I think they try and do a good job recapturing the spooky gothic feel of the first movie. This film does have its problems and they expand on the back story of Samara a bit to much in this giving her a family and more sympathy and cant just seem to keep her a bad little girl who likes to kill people. It felt a little weird to have Johnny Galeki from the Big Bang Theory running around acting like a d bag professor I like the film but its not great, go watch the original Japanese films….sooo much better.


Get Out

I never thought I would find a movie from a comedy duo of Key & Peele to be so funny and ever though there are plenty of gags in the movie, this is a straight up horror movie. Directed written and produced by Jordan Peele and thru Blum House studios which is making waves in the horror community similar to Lions gate did years ago. The story follows Chris Washington played by Daniel Kaluuya  goes to his girlfriends parents house for the weekend to meet them and discovers the other people there of color are acting like zombies most of the time. He cant figure it out till his TSA buddy tries to look into the disappearance of a track star from a  few months back. When you do discover whats going on it puts a new meaning to the phrase WHITE PEOPLE BE CRAZY

Kong Skull Island


Giant Monkey goes SMASH!!!! Yup that sums up the movie. AND IT FUCKING AWESOME. The US has had three Major Monster Movies and they have been hit or miss, Pacific Rim great film loved by fans and critics but huge disappointment at the box office. Godzilla (btw stay till the end credits all I’m going to say) was good and a great special effects film with a decent story, but barely had the big G in it. I love how King is in every part of this movie and the human character are not dll and boring like they are in Godzilla. You could also call this the Guide to the Marvel Universe with Tom Hiddleston ( Loki) Bree Larson ( Captain Marvel) and Samual L Jackson ( Nick Fury) John C Reilly  (Nova Corps Commander) being in Marvel films. Go check this film out its a great action movie and one of the best movies of the year so far.


January Horror 2017

Posted in actors, horror, Horror Babes, Horror Movies, Monsters, news, Reviews, vampires, Video Games, werewolves, Zombies with tags , , , , , , on February 1, 2017 by chrisdsav

WOW there were a lot of Horror movies in 2017 so far one a week and with more coming in February I thought the best way engage the audience about my thoughts would be to take it month by month. I am going to make some videos dedicated to the franchises we have out Resident Evil, Underworld and this weekend The Ring.  Stay tuned for those soon. All movies are playing at the Black Stone Valley Plaza in Millbury Ma off of rt 146  and other theaters around the country. 



When I heard this female led action series was going to be directed by a Woman I was very excited BUTTTTTT Anna Foerster really didnt make this movie unique or better than the last. In fact she seems to ignore things set up in part 4. Kate Beckindale returns in what has become the most tired worn out Vampire franchise since Sparkle Boy and Cock Tease Girl, Its so heavy on the CGI and bland plot line over the top action and not in the John Wick way. Plots are dropped and the more interesting characters are killed off. Its Nice to see Kate back in leather again but I don’t need to see another one of these films again. When this first started I was so excited and I loved the dvd when it finally came, but as the series went on it got worse and worse.


Don’t say it Don’t think it Don’t Say it Don’t think it……yeah just keep saying that over and over and over again. What a great idea but executed so badly. Another movie with a FEMALE director this month Stacy Title and I would be very happy if it was not so bad. Doug Jones is her saving grace but he barely does anything in this movie . Carrie Ann Moss shows up as a detective trying to investigate what is going with these three college kids who are being manipulated by this Bad Bad Man and she is USELESS in this movie. Her characters has nothing to do. Pass on this one.

Of all the films I thought would be the worst was one of the best SPLIT is a decent thriller by M. Night Shyamalan  This was a decent portrayal of a split personality disorder. James McAvoy really shows his acting chops in this movie developing the different personality of the people inside Kevin. The onl;y problem I have is I wish we could have seen more of those other people as we only get maybe 7. The main character from last years The Witch and Barry, Anya Taylor Joy is really showing showing she is  becoming the IT girl of Hollywood. There is a HUGE connection to another M Night film, I hope you all caught it and there are other Easter Eggs in this film worth checking out. 



Finally its over hopefully, I think so who knows Friday the 13th had its FINAL CHAPTER and he WENT TO HELL and we still got more Jason movies. I don’t know what Paul WS Anderson and his wife Mila Jovovitch are doing when they are making these movies. It opens In DC where we left the last film but with characters missing like Leo and Ada Wong and a powerless Alice with NO EXPLANATION of what happened. There is a movie between them and we never saw it. Claire Redfield shows back up with no mention of her brother Chris….he must have been making Prison Break the mini Series and DC Legends of Tomorrow. I like Ali Larter and live seeing her in things, I been in love with her since Final Destination, but this series wasted her as an actress. If this is what we call acting fuck this, this film series is just hear to suck money from you cuz people are too stupid to stop seeing them. You want a great Resident Evil Experience go play Part 7 Bio-hazard of the video games series. Trust me it will be well worth the money

Merry Krampus Review part 1

Posted in Christmas, Demons, DVD, entertainment, Holiday, Reviews with tags , , , on November 30, 2016 by chrisdsav

In honor of the preview episode of Supernatural Creatures and LORE We will be covering A Very Supernatural Christmas. Talking about Krampus and Winter Pagan God’s. You can check it out here once the page is completed  I am going to once a week review one of the 4 Krampus films a week. Yes can you belive there are 4 of these fuckers. Fuck that shit…..but I digress. 


A direct to dvd film by Ben Conway which is more Lifetime movie of the week than Evil Santa Claus flick. 

The movie opens with a mean couple who yells at their kids goes to bed fucks showers and smokes then Krampus kills them after being summoned by the mothers daughter. Then it becomes this little orphan summoner movie with police procedure and no Krampus. Krampus it self is so laughable and the film never looks like it’s taking place at Christmas unlike the he 2015 film KRAMPUS which was so full of Xmas cheer it was amazing how they mixed the Horror with the holidays. The daughter uses Krampus like pumpkinhead. Or since it’s the Holidays like a Jew would use a Golem.  

Written with his brother Owen Conway the script seems like it was another film and not a horror movie. The film is trying to make us sympathetic to Krampus carnage but not actually showing us the damn monter. Except in CGI and looking like something from a PS2 video game. 

Pass on this one and come back next week for another Krampus review. 

The Dead TV Podcast

Posted in horror, Reviews, tv with tags , , on November 23, 2016 by chrisdsav

Check out the new podcast where we take Horror tv shows that have been cancelled and review them episode by episode.


Late Summer Reviews

Posted in entertainment, Halloween, horror, Horror Movies, Reviews, slasher movies, thriller with tags , , , on September 2, 2016 by chrisdsav


Rob Zombie’s new movie is GOOD its original in some ways. It’s like the Dangerous Game and he mentions this in the making of Q&A at the end of the movie. It’s not the crazy over the top nutty film that was Lords of Salem. I would compare it to The Devil Rejects with a more beginning middle and end. A group of friends get capture on Halloween night by Malcolm McDowell and his aristocratic formal wear wearing psychos. They are ten forced for the next 12 hours to play 31 and have to survive a death maze of killer clowns. It’s a huge list of who’s who in his movies with returning favorite Sherrie Moon Zombie and Meg Foster  and Jeff Daniel Phillips. I’ll do a more extensive actor list in another post about Rob Zombie actors. This is Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 meets the Running Man. If you love his music and want a decent not so over the top action flick for Halloween, then check out 31 you won’t be disappointed.


Don’t Breath 

From the team that brought us The Evil Dead remake comes a movie so intense and with such a crazy secret it makes you rethink anything you didn’t like about the Evil Dead. Three friends try to break into the home of a Blind Gulf War vet and get more than they bargained for when he knows his home so well he can pick them off one by one. Stephen Lang is fantastic in this role as a the hero/villain/ not sure what to make of him after you learn what’s in the basement. I don’t want to give too much away but the best scenes are in the dark. You see the characters really trying to adjust to the darkness with their pupils really wide eyed and trying to find light it makes for an eerie experience that makes you feel like you’r there with them.


Kubo and the 2 String

That same studio that gave us Paranorman and Coraline and Box Trolls delivers another amazing weirdly done but still kick ass stop motion animation movie. This time the Art Director of those previous film Travis Knight directs this cool little film. If I had to rank Kub it would come behind Paranorman as my favorite from Laika. A boy goes on a journey to stop his grandfather by reassembling an ancient armor worn by his late father. Along the way he meets a Bug Night and a monkey and fights his even twin aunts played with such creepy voice over by Rooney Mara. They have those V for Vendetta style masks that look super creepy. Matthew McConaughey and Charlize Theron are fantastic  as Monkey and Beetle. ” If I’m called Beetle and your Monkey why is he not called Boy?” Best line in the movie.  The newcomer played Art Parkinson who plays Kubo is really good in his role.

My only problem with this movie and the other two above is NO ONE IS SEEING THEM we just want to be spoon fed fuckign Ghostbusters remakes like mindless drones who cant think for ourselves. What the fuck go see Kubo its an amazing story with great characters and not talking fish finding each other which we saw 12 years ago. 31 and Don’t Breath are original horror movies but nope lets go watch the same stupid crap Blair Witch movie coming out in two weeks over and over again. Get off your ass and support some art.

All these movies are playing at Blackstone Valley Cinema De Lux in Millbury MA.

The Cinema Snob and Hellitosis

Posted in horror, Interviews, music, Reviews with tags on August 21, 2016 by chrisdsav

Tonight on the show its music and sarcasm I have BRAD JONES The Cinema Snob on the show tonight. Then I also have on the show tonight the band Hellitosis who performs my theme song Radio of Horror.


Posted in ghosts, horror, movies, remakes, Reviews with tags on July 18, 2016 by chrisdsav

The movie is not good BUT its not RoboCop or The Nightmare on Elm Street Remake.


I’m not going over the plot of this movie its the same as the last two. The jokes fall flat and people seems to be zombies going to this movie so glad they have a Ghostbusters movie and not even caring how bad it is. Why are people laughing at this movie. Its one giant fart joke from beginning to end./ You have a villain that is the worst example of screen writing ever. He is a whiny little mommy boy bell hop who feels society owes him something. This is not Gozer or Vigo at all. The special effects look like crap they look like something from that Disney Haunted Mansion movie. So much Blue CGI it looks like garbage. I was so board watching this I could not wait for it to be over.  Leslie Jones was the same two jokes a loud screaming Black Woman, Melissa was so toned down in this movie,  but made the typical  Fat GIRL joke of the movie, as the one who loves food and complains how her food is delivered all the time. Kristen Wig tried to be the straight woman and it came across as boring. Kate McKinnion as the inventor was quirky and weird and funny ill give it that.

The men are all cowards and ass holes and morons in this film. Not one great character exists among them. I don’t know why Chris Helmsworth the receptionist  was written as such a moron.  The cameos by the original cast are a mixed back Murray looks board walking thru his lines and Sigourney Weaver seems the only one interested in being in the movie.

This was a soul less attempt at a cash grab and that’s all. It made money guess what The Back to the future and Gremlins remakes are coming and they will suck as much some as the past remakes we have had did.

Review – Ghostbusters

Posted in ghosts, horror, remakes, Reviews with tags on July 14, 2016 by chrisdsav


My Friend and fellow film critic who knows his films puts his review on Ghostbusters,  make it your opinion don’t be afraid of what people think of you over a movie. ITS ONLY A MOVIE.  ( go look up people calling out and miss using the words sexism and anti feminism to describe their stupidity on the internet. If you don’t want to go see this movie, that’s fine you don’t have too. People like James Roulf the Angry Video game Nerd and Andre Black Nerd Rant were attacked because they were one way or the other about this movie. To be labeled a sexist or anti feminist cuz you don’t want to see it is so …aaaghhhh  )

With Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon, Leslie Jones, Chris Hemsworth. Written by Katie Dippold & Paul Feig. Directed by Paul Feig. Rated PG-13 for supernatural action and some crude humor. 116 minutes.

Why are we getting a GHOSTBUSTERS remake (or “reboot” if you prefer)? For no good reason except the studio owned the rights and they could do it. It beats coming up with something original, right?

The movie is a mess from start to finish, not counting the green slime. From the opening jokes that fall flat in quick succession to an incoherent third act that has so many loose threads that a musical production number gets dumped into the closing credits, it’s clear that the people in charge had no idea what they were doing. Putting director Paul Feig in charge, perpetrator of “Bridesmaids,” “The Heat,” and “Spy,” guarantees that the comedy…

View original post 377 more words

Short Summer Horror Reviews

Posted in ghosts, horror, Horror Movies, Monsters, movies, Reviews, sci-fi with tags , , on July 6, 2016 by chrisdsav

Some summer reviews a couple in theaters and 2 straight to video

Conjuring 2


The sequel to the 2013 film does not disappoint. Picking up after they get the call to go to upstate New York to investigate the Amityville House in the previous movie The Warrens get spooked by a Nun Demon and a man denouncing them on a talk show all the while a new Haunting is happening London. The Conjuring 2 stays true to form and James Wan really gives us a scary ghost story the way we like it with all the trappings you expect but he seems to do an amazing job where others fail to give us a truly great ghost story.  The Nun demon in the movie will have a spin off based on it coming next year. Let’s hope it can hold up better than Annabelle who also has a sequel coming although I’m not sure how since the doll is locked up in the Warren house. James Wan directs Vira Farminga and Patrick Wilson return as Ed and Loraine Warrens.



A couple dealing with the death of their son get a strange visitor in the middle f the night claiming she is being chased by killers, but not is all what it seems as they find clues to who the killers really are. This takes the home invasion movie and throws the whole idea out the door in the lake dries it out and gives us a unique story I was not expecting. I can’t talk much more about that plot other than Milo Ventimiglia (Heroes, Kiss of the Damned) is great in this film Sarah Shahi  (Person of Interest) plays his wife.  Sara Paxton (Last House on the Left, Shark Night 3-D) who plays the girl in trouble really makes us belie she is in trouble. The “killers” have a unique look to them and really give the film a spooky edge. The movie was called threesome in other countries and on the commentary the crew discuss why. It’s also in 3-D not sure why but it is a 3-D film.

The Purge: Election Year

If you skipped the Purge films after hearing how bad the first one is then go back watch them out of order. Maybe or just watch part 2 cuz these films are good. James DeMonac directed all three and really gets better with each one. A rare thing in a Horror movie trilogy as each movie gets better than the last one. In Purge Election year a Senator played by Elizabeth Mitchel (Lost, V) is trying to become president and get rid of the Purge after he family was killed. Frank Grillo (Captain America: Civil War) returns from the second movie now as her head of Security. It’s a great action packed movie that really drives home what the Purge is about. Some teen shoplifters I like to call the Bling Bling Bitches who try and hassle a convenience store owner (Mykelti Williamson Bubba from Forest Gump).  and the number one characters you can’t wait to see get killed off. This movie has a great way of fixing mistakes it makes very quickly. Don’t want to give it away but you have to see it to really get the full scope about how great this movie was. This movie has so many other great characters in it too many to name for this small review.  I like to think Bubba, Cross Bones and Mrs. Claus team up to take down the Purge.


Going into this movie I had no idea it was a police watching a found footage movie and that really annoyed me as I hate found footage movies. But as the story progresses and you pay attention you cut back and forth between the footage on the cameras and cell phones and the drama with the police Stephen Moyer, (True Blood) Radha Mitchell (Silent Hill 1 and 2) When you get to the end of the movie with all the characters I felt a little lost like there was some deleted scenes I didn’t see. I don’t think the narrative flows as ell as you might think but I was surprised to see who the killer was. The ending felt a  little rushed. They spent so much time cutting back and forth between the footage and the police.  The director Olatunde Osunsanmi has a directed other films with twisty plots like The Fourth Kind, Smoking Aces and some bizarre episodes on tv shows like Bates Motel and DC’s Legends of Tomorrow. It’s worth checking out if you want a twisty plot line film missing a few pieces.

Dr.Chris Record Spotlight :Friday the 13th Part 2

Posted in 80s, Friday the 13th, horror, music, Reviews, vinyl on June 20, 2016 by chrisdsav

It’s summer time what better season to cover a FRIDAY THE 13TH album. This is the only one I been able to snag and all my vinyl reviews  are only going to cover records I actually  own. Until I obtain it I won’t review it. Here we have a single disk album in blue with this red tie dye blood splatter on it for when it spins it gives it this cool effect. The album comes from Wax work records and music composed by Harry Manfredini who is returning for the Friday the 13th video game soundtrack. The art work all around the cardboard sleeve is by Rich Kelly. His artwork has this rich cokic book style to it as evident in the gatefold image you see below. I would compare this of course to the original score so you get that same eerie dreading pulse pouring rhythm you come to expect from these films.



I recommend picking it up Wax Works says it’s sold out on their site but you can find the soundtrack to Part 3 on their site.



Comic Pop and Friday Part 6 Part 2

Posted in 80s, Comic Books, DC Comics, entertainment, Reviews, websites with tags , , , on June 12, 2016 by chrisdsav

Tonight on the show we have Sal from Comic Pop on the show with us . A great Comic discussion show on you tube. We talk about all sorts of weirdness in the comic book industry.


Part 2 of my interview with Tommy McLoughlin, director of Jason Lives: Friday the 13th Part VI tonight at Midnight ET on Radio of Horror. Chris will also be talking with Sal from the YouTube channel Comic Pop about the comic book industry.
To tune in go to: and click on the link in the right hand column  and then click the listen live button on the top left of the next page.

Outlast gameplay review

Posted in horror, Horror Survival News, Reviews, Video Games with tags , , on May 24, 2016 by chrisdsav

At Pax East this year I had a chance to play Outlast 2 I had to buy the first one and its wicked cheap right now on PSN for 4.99. It’s a great run hide or DIE game no combat no fighting you have those three options and that’s it. I recorded some game play footage with my reactions. This is my first recorded game play footage check it out below and stay tuned when we have the developers of Outlast 2 on the show this Summer.


Spring Mini Horror Reviews

Posted in Demons, horror, Nazi, Reviews, vampires with tags , , on May 20, 2016 by chrisdsav

The Darkness

New movie staring Kevin Bacon with an original plot devise involving the Grand Canyon. Like the Forest early this year you have a neat idea and it has some cool visual effects and some creepy looking ancient villains The Anasazi Indians. They would appease spirit gods and their are some evil spirits trapped in some rocks. the main part of the story is decent and original. The young brother with Autism ( Bruce Wayne from Gotham, with real acting lessons) sees things other people don’t and the family ignores it until things get creepy. The sides story with the older sister weight loss problems the father cheated once its all really boring and slows the main plot down to the point you don’t care about the rest of the movie. if you like Kevin Bacon films its ok but his best horror movie was Stir of Echos. the director Greg McLean also directed Wolf Creek and Wolf Creek 2.

The Green Room

Staring Anton Yelchin and Patrick Stewart a band in desperate need of a new gig takes one at a club run by a group of Neo Nazi. When this discover a dead body it becomes a cat and mouse game between the skin heads and the band. Its funny to see two actors from two different eras of Star Trek in the same movie together on different sides of the story. Its a cool suspense story with a couple really gory moments. Patrick Stewart is great in the movie as the leader of the bad guys, but this is not his most riveting performance ever. He stands around and delivers dialog that’s really it. he seems to just read the lines in that awesome voice. If you like Stewart its a movie to check out. Yelchin is pretty good as the band leader trying to get his friends thru the ordeal. the movie is directed by Jeremy Saulnier who also wrote and directed Murder Party, which is also a really great little indie horror movie.

The Girl who Walks Alone At Night


Residents of a worn-down Iranian city encounter a skateboarding vampire (Sheila Vand) who preys on men who disrespect women. A black and white artsy Vampire movie that is different than the norm we have seen. It can be a little pacy at times but I really enjoy Ana Lily Amirpour is an Iranian-American film director, screenwriter, producer and actor. She has a great sense of style. A moody movie with a great soundtrack. I recommend it if your a big fan of  unique vampire movie.