Archive for the Nazi Category

Spring Mini Horror Reviews

Posted in Demons, horror, Nazi, Reviews, vampires with tags , , on May 20, 2016 by chrisdsav

The Darkness

New movie staring Kevin Bacon with an original plot devise involving the Grand Canyon. Like the Forest early this year you have a neat idea and it has some cool visual effects and some creepy looking ancient villains The Anasazi Indians. They would appease spirit gods and their are some evil spirits trapped in some rocks. the main part of the story is decent and original. The young brother with Autism ( Bruce Wayne from Gotham, with real acting lessons) sees things other people don’t and the family ignores it until things get creepy. The sides story with the older sister weight loss problems the father cheated once its all really boring and slows the main plot down to the point you don’t care about the rest of the movie. if you like Kevin Bacon films its ok but his best horror movie was Stir of Echos. the director Greg McLean also directed Wolf Creek and Wolf Creek 2.

The Green Room

Staring Anton Yelchin and Patrick Stewart a band in desperate need of a new gig takes one at a club run by a group of Neo Nazi. When this discover a dead body it becomes a cat and mouse game between the skin heads and the band. Its funny to see two actors from two different eras of Star Trek in the same movie together on different sides of the story. Its a cool suspense story with a couple really gory moments. Patrick Stewart is great in the movie as the leader of the bad guys, but this is not his most riveting performance ever. He stands around and delivers dialog that’s really it. he seems to just read the lines in that awesome voice. If you like Stewart its a movie to check out. Yelchin is pretty good as the band leader trying to get his friends thru the ordeal. the movie is directed by Jeremy Saulnier who also wrote and directed Murder Party, which is also a really great little indie horror movie.

The Girl who Walks Alone At Night


Residents of a worn-down Iranian city encounter a skateboarding vampire (Sheila Vand) who preys on men who disrespect women. A black and white artsy Vampire movie that is different than the norm we have seen. It can be a little pacy at times but I really enjoy Ana Lily Amirpour is an Iranian-American film director, screenwriter, producer and actor. She has a great sense of style. A moody movie with a great soundtrack. I recommend it if your a big fan of  unique vampire movie.


Wolfenstein The Old Blood.

Posted in History, Nazi, sci-fi, Video Games on July 24, 2015 by chrisdsav

Wolfenstein the Old Blood


A prequel to 2014’s The New Order brings us back to the dreaded Castle of Nazi Occult lore.The game has gone into the more sci-fi genre this time, rather than the supernatural horror genre Wolfenstein is known for, thru the first five chapters, the last three t becomes a horror game again.  In the new order the Nazi have won WW2 and its set in a cyber-techno steam punk 1960s. The Old blood is the prequel to that story. Set in 1946 and taking place just before the prologue of the New Blood. You play William BJ Blazkowicz (voiced by veteran voice actor Brian Bloom) who has been the series hero since Wolfenstein 3D in 1992. It’s your normal first person shooter combat and nothing new that you didn’t see in Wolfenstein the New Order. You never get tired of killing Nazi scum bags. It’s an 8 chapter game for 19.99 and available on the PS4 Steam and Xbox 1. Enemies are not the brightest groups you deal with. Having played Destiny you hope Bethesda games improves the enemy AI for the upcoming Doom4 using the Id tech 5 software.

This game has very little in the way of story and you go from one mission to the next killing Nazis and progressing to get to Deaths head (not to be confused with the Marvel comic character of the same name). In the New Order BJ had a lot more inner monologue and gets to know the resistance and even gets to have sex with Anya the resistance fighter a few times in the game. The game is more like B movie camp and that’s not a bad thing but it’s not great when the action never slows down but for 19.99 it’s a long game with pacing staying the same thru out. It will lead you to the final mission that BJ hopes he can retire from. That’s where we pick up his story in The New Order. When you get a chance to take a nap as was in The New Order you can travel to the original game in a dream sequence and play Wolfenstein 3D.  Enemies have cyber back packs that if you shoot will explode. Giant Juggernauts that looks like a Nazi Iron Man Mach 1 armor and killer Cyber men guard Dogs. You can easily dispatch enemies with a lead pipe in stealth mode as to not alert more guards. A quick stab happy attack and back to stealth. Shamblers ugly bloody Nazi Zombies become a pyro technique foe to recon with in Chapters 6-8, after the more cyber steam punk techno Nazi enemies.

Mick Gordon composed the soundtrack for this and the New Order. You will notice through the game clues and nods to great WW2 era films like The Dirty Dozen and Where Eagles Dance and Inglorious Bastards. This game does not require you to but the New Order to play it. It’s a stand-alone expansion which you can pick up the card at a local store containing a code or down load it by itself.