Archive for the radio of horror Category

Help Radio of Horror

Posted in aliens, Anime/Manga, Board Games, Bondage, Books, Canada, Cartoons, Christian, Christmas, Comedy, Comic Books, Convention, DC Comics, Demons, Dracula, DVD, Egypt, entertainment, Found Footage, ghosts, Godzilla, Goth, horror, Horror Babes, Horror Movies, Horror Survival News, horror/sci-fi cartoon, Japan, Kaiju, Kosovo, Leominster Movie Theater, locations, magazines, Make Up Artist, Monsters, movies, Mummy, music, Mutants, news, Places, radio of horror, Radio Station, Satan, SciFi, Theater, Toys, tv, vampires, Video Games, Vwars, websites, werewolf, werewolves, witches, X-Files, Zombies on December 27, 2014 by chrisdsav

We need a huge push to reach a mile stone goal on this site.
We need a few more subscribers and some more visitors
Pick an article and re-blog it send it to friends
I would like to hit my mile stone by New Years Eve
We been on their air since 2007 and the blog has been up since 2009.
Help Radio of Horror end the year with a bang.


Rock and Shock

Posted in Convention, entertainment, Horror Babes, Horror Movies, locations, movies, music, radio of horror, Radio Station on October 17, 2014 by chrisdsav

Rock and Shock weekend is here at last. Hope to score some major interviews. My co-host and I will be there all weekend in Worcester MA. Then Sunday we have Trick or Treat Radio on the show for the length of the show.


Horror Conventions and more

Posted in Convention, entertainment, Goth, Horror Babes, Horror Movies, Monsters, movies, music, Mutants, news, Places, radio of horror, Radio Station, Satan, SciFi, Theater, tv, vampires, websites, werewolves, witches, Zombies on October 12, 2014 by chrisdsav

Tonight on the show BUZ DANGER Walawick talks to us about Scream Factory and I talk to Kevin Barbaree about ROCK AND SHOCK which is next weekend
We also play the music from Monster House and talk about the renewal of Under the Dome, WHAT THE FUCK ???
We also talk about Sleepy Hollow and ABC of Death 2 and Dracula Untold. Also the return of the Walking Dead and Supernatural and the end of The Strain S1.


Salem & Transylvania

Posted in entertainment, Goth, Places, radio of horror, vampires, witches on August 18, 2014 by chrisdsav

The next TWO Halloweens in a row are going to be something special and unique. This HALLOWEEN I will be in Salem the home of true Horror in New England. I have lived in Ma most of my life and never done that. I have gone to Salem several times but never on Halloween. Day before I will be seeing Jeffrey Combs one man play Never More.

Next year I will take the Drac Tours and head to Romania to spend a week at DRACULA’S castle. It’s an expensive trip that will take some time to save up for.

Post Terror Con

Posted in Convention, entertainment, movies, music, news, radio of horror on June 9, 2014 by chrisdsav

Tonight on the show we are tired …BUT the show must go on lol. We talk about the Terror Con you can go to our you tube channel to get some great videos we posted. The Con had its ups and downs but was better than the Hartford Comic Con. This video here is me interviewing a Death trooper.

We have on the show Paul M McAlarney Film Writer, Producer, Director,and some of his crew, they been on the before and we are happy to have him and his crew back.


Hartford Comic con and Stunt man Chris Carnel

Posted in Comic Books, Convention, Monsters, movies, music, news, Places, radio of horror, SciFi on May 11, 2014 by chrisdsav

Tonight on the show a rep from the Hartford Comic Con comes on the show to talk about the convention I am a guest at in three weeks. May31-June1st in Hartford Ct.


Then we have stunt man Chris Carnel from My Bloody Valentine 3-D, The Crazies, Captain America The Winter Soldier and Grimm among many other projects he has been a stunt man for on the show right after.

Pam and I talk about the END of Dracula as NBC did not pick it up for a second season but they did renew Marvel’s Agents of Shield over a ABC. We talk about All Cheerleaders Die and Odd Thomas two horror movies we both really enjoyed. In honor of the 20th Anniversary of Hell boy we will play the soundtrack from Hellboy the movie.



Posted in Anime/Manga, Bondage, Books, Comedy, Comic Books, Convention, DC Comics, entertainment, ghosts, Goth, Horror Babes, horror/sci-fi cartoon, Leominster Movie Theater, magazines, Monsters, movies, music, news, Places, radio of horror, Radio Station, SciFi, Theater, Toys, tv, vampires, Video Games, websites, witches, Zombies on March 29, 2014 by chrisdsav

200 followers and 33,000 visitors to this site. Thanks to everyone who has helped and checked out Radio of Horror on 91.3 FM WCUW.

Radio of Horror Channel

Posted in aliens, Anime/Manga, Bondage, Books, Comedy, Comic Books, Convention, DC Comics, entertainment, Found Footage, ghosts, Goth, Horror Babes, horror/sci-fi cartoon, Leominster Movie Theater, magazines, Monsters, movies, music, news, Places, radio of horror, Radio Station, Satan, SciFi, Theater, Toys, tv, vampires, Video Games, websites, witches, Zombies on March 17, 2014 by chrisdsav

We took our interviews and created a channel on you tube to listen to old interviews for an archive we will have 100 posted by June when we go to Terror con stay tuned, for now check us out there, thanks to Pam for setting it up.

Director and Star of IN FEAR

Posted in movies, news, radio of horror on March 9, 2014 by chrisdsav

In Fear Starring Iain De Caestecker (ABC’s hit series “Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D”) will be on the show tonight to talk about the movie, as well as Jeremy Lovering who recently directed The Empty Hearse episode of BBC SHERLOCK. Pam and I will also talk about Journey to the West and 300 Rise of the Empire.

Movie Review- In Fear

Posted in Horror Babes, movies, radio of horror on March 6, 2014 by chrisdsav

My co host Pam reviews IN FEAR I am about to sit down with the star from Shield Iain and do a short interview, this weekend we will play it and the directors interview as well.


Iain De Caestecker (Agents of SHIELD) plays Tom who sweetly stumbles through inviting a girl he’s recently met, Lucy (Alice Englert, Beautiful Creatures) to a festival in the Irish country side. While travelling they stop at a pub, Tom gets in what he describes as an immature altercation and Lucy gets peeped on while she scribbles graffiti on the bathroom wall. But they leave in good spirits and Tom surprises her with a night in a hotel instead of camping out with friends for their two week anniversary.


In true modern horror movie form; the GPS loses signal, cell phones lose service -hell, there are no streetlights! The sign says one way and the map says another. Nature seems on the attack. Is it creepy locals, is it something supernatural, is it in their heads -an element of the psychological: adults from the city and grown up…

View original post 567 more words


Posted in aliens, Anime/Manga, Bondage, Books, Comic Books, Convention, entertainment, Horror Babes, horror/sci-fi cartoon, Monsters, movies, music, Places, radio of horror, SciFi, tv, vampires, Video Games, witches, Zombies on January 17, 2014 by chrisdsav

Arisia is here again the big sci fi Horror  Fantacy multi bunch of other stuff Convention. Its from Friday till Monday. I wont be hosting Radio of Horror Monday my co hosy Pamela Isley will.

I will be on panels such as
Friday 10pm
Sat 1130am
Sat 11pm
Sun 1100am
Mon 100pm

Next week on the show we cover LVL Up Expo.


Posted in Convention, entertainment, news, Places, radio of horror, Radio Station, websites on January 8, 2014 by chrisdsav

The Terror Con is a new Horror convention in Providance RI. It happens in JUNE and will take place over s two day weekend. I have been booked as a guest at the Terror con. Pamela Isley will be with me. I will be on panels sellng my books and We will be doing a recording and live broadcast.
Other guests have been annouced like Lords of Salem and ET actress Dee Walace Stone and Spawn actor Michael Jai White. More guests anoucements to come soon.


Posted in aliens, Anime/Manga, Bondage, Books, Comedy, Comic Books, Convention, DC Comics, entertainment, ghosts, Goth, Horror Babes, horror/sci-fi cartoon, Leominster Movie Theater, magazines, Monsters, movies, music, news, Places, radio of horror, Radio Station, SciFi, Theater, Toys, tv, vampires, Video Games, websites, witches, Zombies on January 1, 2014 by chrisdsav

Just hit 30,000 visitors since the blog launched July 2009. There have been 745 posts I have made to the blog. Happy New Year to every one who has made Radio of Horror have a great 2013. We have 150 followers to the blog now as well. The number of people who hit the blog to learn about the show is more impressive to me as this shows the traffic is very good. Not every one wants email updates about a blog and I can respect their privacy. The show covers a wide range of topics and sometimes not all of them horror. Links above can show you what else we cover.

Here is to 2014 hopefully being better than 2013


Thanks also to my co host Pamela Isley check her blog out at

BDSM Clubs ,Geek Conventions, Film Fests, and The TARDIS

Posted in Books, Comic Books, Convention, DC Comics, entertainment, Goth, Horror Babes, Monsters, movies, Places, radio of horror, SciFi, Toys, tv, websites on November 22, 2013 by chrisdsav

This weekend very busy tonight is Club FX in downtown Worcester MA, its a new BDSM Bondage wild crazy night of fun and things you may or may not tell your mom about your non vanilla life.



Then Tomorow is SUPER MEGA FEST where we meet a ton of the guests we went over this weekend like Actors Ray Park, Christopher Lloyd, Elvira, Karen Allen, Elisa Dushku, Voice Actor Larry Kenny, cosplayers Nicole Marie Jean, Spencer Doe Authro CJ Henderson, and many more. This is on Framingham MA at the Sheraton Hotel.


Then tomorow NIGHT on 11/23/13 the moment we have been waiting for the 50th anniversary of DOCTOR WHO: THE DAY OF THE DOCTOR on BBC America. So you cant say you dont ahve anything to do this weekend cuz thats a lie. You could also head over to the Somerville theater for Skip Shea’s filmfest. The Shawna Shea Independent Film Fest. This benefits the Shawna Shea foundation.


Super Mega Fest and Bar FX

Posted in Comic Books, Convention, DC Comics, entertainment, Horror Babes, horror/sci-fi cartoon, movies, news, Places, radio of horror, Radio Station, SciFi, tv, vampires on November 18, 2013 by chrisdsav

Tonight on the show The owner operator behind the new night club in Worcester MA BAR FX, it has a unique BDSM night Friday Night.

Then we have Dave one of the two people behind Super Mega Fest in Framingham MA, it has a long guest line up like ELVIRA Mistress of the Dark and Elisa Dushku aka Faith from Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel. Ray Park aka Darth Maul, Christopher Llyod from back to the Future. Larry Kenny from Thundercats and soooo many more. Pam and I will also talk about Sleepy Hollow Dracula and SHIELD,





Posted in Books, Comedy, Comic Books, entertainment, Horror Babes, Leominster Movie Theater, Monsters, movies, radio of horror, Theater, Zombies on November 7, 2013 by chrisdsav

Tomorow night in Leominster MA come out to see Thor: the Dark World we will have some giveaways but after Thor stay for the Midnight showign of Army of Darkness the third part fo the Evil Dead Movies. IF you went and saw Evil Dead this past March then this was the film that came before that. Tickets are only $5, we give away prizes for this movie.

Thanks to some sponcers like Outback Steak House and Movie Stop





Posted in Anime/Manga, Bondage, Books, Comedy, Comic Books, Convention, DC Comics, entertainment, Goth, Horror Babes, horror/sci-fi cartoon, magazines, Monsters, movies, music, news, Places, radio of horror, Radio Station, SciFi, Theater, Toys, tv, vampires, Video Games, websites, Zombies on October 28, 2013 by chrisdsav

Tonight on the show from the RI Comic Con their Media head Jackie we discuss the LONG guest list with her tonightImage, we also have Angela and her crew The Antiquinox as they Present The Inter-Dimensional Vaudevillains’ COSMIC SIDESHOW, we also play the music from GHOST BUSTERS to promote That’s Entertainment’s Halloween Double Feature tomorow night.

comic con


Post Rock and Shock

Posted in Convention, movies, music, news, Places, radio of horror, Radio Station on October 21, 2013 by chrisdsav

So thats allll over with we would like to thank Gina and Kevin and Lea and the Rock and Shock crew for this years convention. We met a lot of good people we made some new friends we have tons of potential guests coming on the show and interviews to play with Michael Rooker and The Pretty in Pink clothes co. and The Graveyard Girls and so many more. Tonight on the show its Andrew Shanley and his partner Andy and Pam and I discuss all the wackyness of Rock and Shock.

Rock and Shock

Posted in Comedy, Convention, entertainment, ghosts, Goth, Horror Babes, horror/sci-fi cartoon, magazines, Monsters, movies, music, news, Places, radio of horror, Radio Station, SciFi, Theater, Toys, tv, vampires, Video Games, websites, Zombies on October 18, 2013 by chrisdsav

This weekend Pam and I will be at the Rock and Shock Horror convention in Worcester Ma thru Sunday night. Want more information check out the link below as it will explain all much better than I can in a 1000 words or less.



Classic Cinema present A Nightmare on Elm St

Posted in Convention, entertainment, Leominster Movie Theater, Monsters, movies, Places, radio of horror, Theater, websites on October 11, 2013 by chrisdsav

To night 3 of the greatest names in New England Horror team up. Skip Shea Director of Microcinema will be showing his short film,  Kevin Barbare co-creator of Rock and Shock will be co- hosting and handing out prizes, with Radio of Horror to bring you A Nightmare on Elm Street in Leominster MA. Dont forget NEXT week you can meet the star of this movie at ROCK AND SHOCK.
