Archive for the slasher movies Category

Phantasm and Fable Cry

Posted in 80s, actors, entertainment, horror, Interviews, slasher movies with tags , , on October 23, 2016 by chrisdsav
Tonight on the show we have Reggie Bannister from PHANTASM 1-5. An interview I recorded at Rock and Shock.
Then we have the band Fable Cry calling in to discuss their awesome Horror themed new album. The music tonight will be from that album.

Vid Me

Posted in 80s, actors, Adult, aliens, Art, authors, Board Games, Bondage, Books, Cartoons, Comedy, Comic Books, Convention, Cosplay, DC Comics, death, Demons, Found Footage, Geekbabes, ghosts, Goth, Halloween, History, horror, Magic, models, Monsters, movies, music, radio of horror, Radio Station, record, sci-fi, slasher, slasher movies, The Evil Dead, thriller, tv, vampires, Video Games, vinyl, websites, werewolf, witches, X-Files on September 14, 2016 by chrisdsav

A new home for Radio of Horror only time will tell

Please follow me on Vid me now

Late Summer Reviews

Posted in entertainment, Halloween, horror, Horror Movies, Reviews, slasher movies, thriller with tags , , , on September 2, 2016 by chrisdsav


Rob Zombie’s new movie is GOOD its original in some ways. It’s like the Dangerous Game and he mentions this in the making of Q&A at the end of the movie. It’s not the crazy over the top nutty film that was Lords of Salem. I would compare it to The Devil Rejects with a more beginning middle and end. A group of friends get capture on Halloween night by Malcolm McDowell and his aristocratic formal wear wearing psychos. They are ten forced for the next 12 hours to play 31 and have to survive a death maze of killer clowns. It’s a huge list of who’s who in his movies with returning favorite Sherrie Moon Zombie and Meg Foster  and Jeff Daniel Phillips. I’ll do a more extensive actor list in another post about Rob Zombie actors. This is Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 meets the Running Man. If you love his music and want a decent not so over the top action flick for Halloween, then check out 31 you won’t be disappointed.


Don’t Breath 

From the team that brought us The Evil Dead remake comes a movie so intense and with such a crazy secret it makes you rethink anything you didn’t like about the Evil Dead. Three friends try to break into the home of a Blind Gulf War vet and get more than they bargained for when he knows his home so well he can pick them off one by one. Stephen Lang is fantastic in this role as a the hero/villain/ not sure what to make of him after you learn what’s in the basement. I don’t want to give too much away but the best scenes are in the dark. You see the characters really trying to adjust to the darkness with their pupils really wide eyed and trying to find light it makes for an eerie experience that makes you feel like you’r there with them.


Kubo and the 2 String

That same studio that gave us Paranorman and Coraline and Box Trolls delivers another amazing weirdly done but still kick ass stop motion animation movie. This time the Art Director of those previous film Travis Knight directs this cool little film. If I had to rank Kub it would come behind Paranorman as my favorite from Laika. A boy goes on a journey to stop his grandfather by reassembling an ancient armor worn by his late father. Along the way he meets a Bug Night and a monkey and fights his even twin aunts played with such creepy voice over by Rooney Mara. They have those V for Vendetta style masks that look super creepy. Matthew McConaughey and Charlize Theron are fantastic  as Monkey and Beetle. ” If I’m called Beetle and your Monkey why is he not called Boy?” Best line in the movie.  The newcomer played Art Parkinson who plays Kubo is really good in his role.

My only problem with this movie and the other two above is NO ONE IS SEEING THEM we just want to be spoon fed fuckign Ghostbusters remakes like mindless drones who cant think for ourselves. What the fuck go see Kubo its an amazing story with great characters and not talking fish finding each other which we saw 12 years ago. 31 and Don’t Breath are original horror movies but nope lets go watch the same stupid crap Blair Witch movie coming out in two weeks over and over again. Get off your ass and support some art.

All these movies are playing at Blackstone Valley Cinema De Lux in Millbury MA.


Posted in Horror Movies, metal band, music, slasher movies on August 24, 2016 by chrisdsav

Rob Zombies new movie 31 is coming out next Thursday. Check Zombies site now for more information  on where it’s playing near you. From the trailer the movie looks to be Zombie ‘ most fucked up movie to date. It’s a very limited release.

Killer clowns, demented amusement parks, serial killers blood guts epic music. Everything you come to expect from  Rob Zombie.

If you live in Massachusetts  I’ll be seeing it at the Framingham  AMC next Thursday. 

RoH Interviews

Posted in actors, directors, horror, Magic, Monsters, movies, slasher movies with tags , , , on August 16, 2016 by chrisdsav

Been missing my show ??

Check out some of the interviews I have done now online below, like comment and subscribe please to the channel. I have more on my Youtube page.






Comic Con and Nightmares

Posted in 80s, actors, Comic Books, Conventions, horror, Horror Babes, Horror Movies, Interviews, slasher movies, superheroes with tags , on August 7, 2016 by chrisdsav

Tonight on the show I have Nick one of the heads of the Boston Comic Con on the show with me to talk about this years con. THEN joining me on skype my friend Stephanie Wiley joins me to talk with Lisa Wilcox from Nightmare on Elm St Part 4 and 5, she played the heroine Alice. I will also have music from Nightmare Part 4 playing tonight.




Tiffany and Sean take 2

Posted in 80s, actors, horror, Horror Babes, Horror Movies, slasher movies with tags , on July 3, 2016 by chrisdsav

Tonight after being off the air last week due to our transmitter being down I will be relaxing in the studio with my interview with the Horror Icon, ( I mean WOW she is in a LOT of Horror movies too many to list)  Tiffany Shepis. A little later on we have Sean Whalen on talking about Hatchet 2 and People Under the Stairs and Twister and more.  They both appear in Death House a fantastic looking horror movie coming soon. The music from Nightmare on Elm St Part 2 Freddy Revenge will be played between interviews.




Horror Actors and Actresses

Posted in 80s, actors, Geekbabes, horror, Horror Babes, Horror Movies, Interviews, slasher movies with tags , on June 26, 2016 by chrisdsav

Tonight on the show recovering from Massive Comic Con I will be relaxing in the studio with my interview with the Horror Icon, ( I mean WOW she is in a LOT of Horror movies too many to list)  Tiffany Shepis on the show a little later on we have Sean Whalen on talking about Hatchet 2 and People Under the Stairs and Twister and more.   The music from Nightmare on Elm St Part 2 Freddy Revenge will be played between interviews.

Friday the 13th Interviews

Posted in 80s, authors, Books, entertainment, Friday the 13th, slasher movies with tags , on May 13, 2016 by chrisdsav

Hey guys here are some Friday the 13th related interviews I have done over the years check em out. Hope to get someone from Wax Works and The Friday the 13th The Game on the show some time in the future.


Friday the 13th New Release date

Posted in 80s, news, slasher movies with tags , on March 29, 2016 by chrisdsav

This is the third release date in 2 years for this franchise reboot.

We get the video game this coming October which is awesome and I will have a review of asap.

Check out the article below

Don’t Fall Sleep

Posted in 80s, directors, Horror Babes, Horror Movies, slasher, slasher movies on March 13, 2016 by chrisdsav

On the show tonight Paige Joy the director of Don’t Fall Sleep a Nightmare on Elm St fan film, Ill be playing the music from the Nightmare on Elm st films thru out the night as well. #dontfallasleepfilm


Ill also be discussing 10 Cloverfield Lane, the new sci-fi thriller from JJ Abrhams

Filmmakers and Maniacs

Posted in actors, Books, horror, Horror Babes, slasher, slasher movies on February 28, 2016 by chrisdsav

Tonight on the show we have from a movie based on a STEPHEN KING short story Rainy Season we have Vanessa Ionta Wright


Then I have from Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3-D actor Dan Yeager who played Leatherface,

Music will be from Fable Cry for most of the night…

New Videos

Posted in Comic Books, Conventions, Cosplay, entertainment, History, horror, Horror Babes, models, news, slasher, slasher movies on February 24, 2016 by chrisdsav

We have some new interviews and reviews on our YOUTUBE page go there now to check them out







New Interviews for 2016

Posted in actors, Adult, entertainment, horror, Horror Babes, Interviews, Model, models, Monsters, sex, slasher movies on January 4, 2016 by chrisdsav

Did you miss some of my show over the last few weeks here you go. You can catch some of my best previous guests.

XXX Horror Adult Star Die-Ana Prince

Author Cynthia Fridsma


Actress Andie Noir

Rock and Shock

Posted in actors, Convention, Horror Babes, Horror Host, Horror Movies, Horror Survival News, horror/sci-fi cartoon, locations, merchandise, news, Places, radio of horror, Radio Station, sci-fi, slasher movies, travel, websites on October 15, 2015 by chrisdsav

Tomorow kicks off Rock and Shock weekend it is also the weekend we launch the 9th year of Radio of Horror.
Some of the people I’m most interested in meeting are Tobin Bell from the Saw Franchise, George Romero from Night of the Living Dead again. Actors from the Monster Squad, Samantha Mathis from Salems Lot and THe Strain and so many other people. The vendors are great they always have some thing great to purchase.

I appreciate the 9 years we been on the air. This weekend’s guest will be Author Jack Ketchum. A long time friend of the program and his first time live in studio interview with us. I will have a co host my friend Cordilla Abrams will be joining me for the interview.


Lost After Dark Cast and Crew

Posted in 80s, directors, Horror Movies, Interviews, slasher movies on August 30, 2015 by chrisdsav

Tonight on the show we have the crew from the new Slasher Horror movie from Anchor Bay Lost After Dark.
Director and Writer Ian Kessner, Bo Ransdell, and stars Justin Kelly and Eve Harlow. Eve will be appearing on NBC Heroes Reborn coming this fall. We also be playing the second half of DAGON from penguin audio.
